How to Speak to Someone Experiencing Substance Misuse

The Netflix algorithm seems to be chucking us 'you should watch' options which were littered with substance misuse. We know that substance misuse isn't just on our screens but in our restaurants. Having a conversation about substance misuse can be challenging, but it's important to offer support and understanding if you feel able. Here are three tips that can help navigate those conversations:

  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Find a suitable environment where both you and the person you're speaking to can feel comfortable and relaxed. Avoid having this conversation in public or crowded settings, as it could make the person feel self-conscious or defensive. Ensure there's enough time for a meaningful discussion without interruptions.

  • Use Non-Judgmental and Empathetic Language: Approach the conversation with a non-judgmental and empathetic attitude. Use "I" statements to express your concerns and feelings, such as "I've noticed..." or "I'm worried about..." instead of making accusatory statements. Focus on expressing your care for their well-being rather than criticising their actions.

  • Listen Actively and Offer Support: Be an active listener and allow the person to share their thoughts and feelings without interruption. Show genuine interest in their perspective, even if you disagree. Offer your support and let them know you're there to help if they decide to seek assistance or make changes.

With You Charity, Adfam and Narcotics Anonymous are all good resources if you or someone you know needs support.


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